Sunday, January 16, 2011

Gold’s Gym

So since I’ve been home, I decided to start working out right after I get off work.  When I first decided to move home I wasn’t sure where I wanted to work out.  I was debating between Lifetime, South Jordan Rec. Center, and Gold’s Gym.  So the first place I decided to investigate was Gold’s Gym.  Somehow they managed to get me to sign a 2-year contract before I was out the door.  Ugh.  I walked out of there feeling sick to my stomach.  What had I gotten myself into?  TWO YEAR COMMITMENT???  I wanted to barf right there.  So after I passed the want-to-barf regret phase, I decided to chill out and make the most of this contract and start going to the gym everyday.  So far I have been pretty happy with this place.  There is a SAWEEET cardio cinema area  where I can work out while watching Transformers or Anchorman (for some reason it seems like those are the only movies they have there).  They also have basketball so I can still keep my game up every once in a while (I can barely make it up and down the court these days). 

So far it has been great.  There’s one thing I’ve noticed there that is kind of weird and creepy:  ALL THE GUYS THERE LOOK THE SAME.  I saw this picture and it made me laugh…

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Cedar City: A Tribute

So I have this small problem…I suck at blogging.  I am not a regular blogger at all, but I am working on it.  Holy cazoli my life has changed so much over the past month it’s insane.  I graduated from SUU and moved home.  It was INSANE being out of the small little Cedar and back in the big city.  I’ve learned that I’ve developed a slight fear of large crowds and freeway traffic…but hopefully I get over that soon.  I am going to miss Cedar. 

Speaking of Cedar City, over the past 3 1/2 years I’ve become somewhat of an expert on this cute little town.  To be honest, when I first moved there I nicknamed the town Cedar-Shitty (excuse my language)…but I have since learned my initial assumptions couldn’t be more wrong.  This little town has A LOT to offer.  For those of you currently living in Cedar or are thinking of heading down to this wonderful little town, here are a few things you must know…

1-If you don’t have gangster clothes, get some.  I’m not sure why, but gangster parties seem to be the cool thing in Cedar. 

2-Get accustomed to hanging out in Wally World, aka WAL-MART.  Whether it be during the week or on a Friday night, wandering aimlessly around this store is apparently the cool thing to do.

3-If you’re planning on dating anyone at all that lives in Cedar, do everything in your power to make it a smooth breakup with as little drama as possible.  WARNING:  YOU WILL BUMP INTO YOUR EX LOVERS…that’s just part of the deal in Cedar.  So sobby, sappy breakups or hard feelings can lead to an awkward run in at Wally World the next day.  That’s just how it goes, be warned.

4-Figure out where the hoppin’ “bonfire behind the golf course” place is.  You will go there at least 20 times in your first year there.  Guaranteed.

5-School dances are dirty and sweaty.  Avoid those if possible, or if you must go-wear a toilet seat around your waist.  I’m not sure why, but for some reason bumpers and grinders are not into girls with toilet seats around their waists.

6-Firesides are a good place to check everyone out, so if you decide to go, be lookin’ fly.

Hopefully these few pointers have been beneficial to someone reading this.  The last thing I want to leave in my Cedar Tribute is this place is amazing.  I’ve learned that what makes this town so great town aren’t the THINGS there (shopping, fun attractions, etc.) but the PEOPLE.   I met SO MANY awesome, nice, inspiring, people in my 3 1/2 years there.  I couldn’t have ever imagined I would have come to this place with not one SINGLE friend and left with so many great friends who have touched my life in so many ways.  Thanks to everyone I knew in Cedar for making my experience SO great.  These are just a few of the amazing people (in no particular order) I came to know and love who had an impact on my life at one point or another.  Love you all!



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Wow I started doing this and realized it would really take me FOREVER to get pictures of every single person who has had an impact on my life down at school, so thanks to EVERYONE (pictured and not pictured) who I’ve gotten to know at school.  It’s been real.

Any-hoo-After two weeks of emotional breakdowns, staring mindlessly at walls, and countless hours of Modern Family, House Hunters, and The Office…I decided to get a job.  (Okay, the transition hasn’t been THAT bad…but you get the idea).  Luckily I got hooked up with an awesome job at an awesome company called  I specialize in Search Engine Optimization (hence the name SEO) and lots of  other computer stuff I don’t feel like blabbing about.  It’s been rad. I was also able to head to California and hang with the fam there and see my awesome cousin Seth get married and spend lots of time with my grandparents and family members.

All in all it’s been a great wrap up to 2010 and an awesome start to 2011.  Sorry this blog wasn’t very funny.  :)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Feeling Nostalgic....

I went on a weekend road trip up to Salt Lake and was able to listen to some GOOD tunes along the way. After jamming out to Nysnc, Backstreet, BBMak and Britney for a good 3 hours I thought I would be ungrateful if I didn't write about them.

I love NSYNC. I love Backstreet, I love any kind of music from the '90s. It's amazing how one song can take you back to the good old days. I have always loved JT. I remember being smitten over them in elementary and middle school. My good friend had a sticker of Lance on her RETAINER. No lie.

So here's to the awesome music from my childhood. JT and Lance especially, I love you. I miss this good music!

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Fall is coming...and I am THRILLED. I absolutely love it when the leaves change and the weather starts to cool down. I love scarf season-I have a collection of scarves and I love getting all cute-sied up in my fall clothes! I bought a saWEET leather jacket on clearance from Wilson's Leather on the 4th of July and I've been waiting for almost four months to wear it! I love driving up the canyon and looking at the pretty leaves, and going to football games and starting to see your breath in the morning. It's just a good time.


This time of the year with the weather being so in-between can cause a lot of confusion. Girls now have decided they don't know whether if is fall or summer. They are excited for fall, but don't want to put their shorts away yet. This is the time where they just are so excited for fall to start they can't wait to pull those awesome boots out, but they are also in denial that it is time for the shorts to go. So instead of deciding on one or the other, they just combine the two. I find this outfit very contradicting. Make up your mind, is it fall or is it summer still?

It doesn't really matter to me, just pick one.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Feelin Grateful!

So today for some reason I'm feeling extra grateful. It's just a pretty day outside and I'm in some weird emotional state these days. The real inspiration behind this blog came the other night when I was hanging out with some awesome people at the library. I was talking to them when I realized my keychain flashdrive had broken off of my keys. This flash drive had all of my 4 years of college basically on it, plus some church stuff and other random things like resumes and such.

So, being the dramatic person I am...I flipped. I wanted to cry. All that work and I had lost it. My awesome friends helped me look around the library, then my friend Shmee offered to help me look around outside in the dark. While retracing my footsteps from the parking lot, we found the grass I had cut across on being sprayed with sprinklers. We sort of gave up hope after that, and I was super bummed. I really was on the verge of tears! (Weird...I NEVER cry....haha I wish) ANYWAYS...I stopped right there and all the sudden I had an epiphany..."Earth to's a bloody FLASH DRIVE...if that's your biggest problem right now you're ridiculous."

So I thanked Shmee for helping me look for it, and walked to my car, contemplating how great my life really is.

I realized that I am OVERLY dramatic about lots of things. In my Event Management class our teacher has taught us that if something goes wrong, the most important thing to automatically tell yourself is: "Nothing is a crisis". That statement also got me thinking. I'm learning that I kind of freak out about things that aren't worth freaking out about, and I just need to chill the freak out and smell the roses.

So as I got to my car, I realized it was a good night. I lost a flashdrive. Boo hoo. But like I said, I realized if that was my biggest problem at the time, I've got a pretty great life.

So with that's my grateful list...

1. The Gospel in my life-The big man upstairs is the one guy that hasn't ever let me down. No matter what's going on in my life He's always there. Things are always changing and life gets really crazy sometimes. I've had friends or family that have left me hanging, but He never has. He's the ONE person I've always been able to count on. Having the gospel in my life and knowing where I came from, what I'm doing now, and where I'm going has made me happier than I could have ever imagined!

2. My family-My mom, dad, sister and brother-in-law are so great. I'll throw Courtney Campbell in there too because she's as close as family. I've come to realized that friends come and go, but no matter what your family is always there.

3-My friends-I don't know what I did to get the greatest friends in the world, but I'm one lucky duck. My friends from high school are all crazy maniacs like me. I always worried that we'd grow apart after high school but even though we've all gone our seperate ways and most of them are married-we still have the same maniac personalities and have a blast whenever we get together. Since coming to college I've made some GOOD friends. Girls and guys. I'm so grateful for all of them and all the fun I have with everyone.

4-Education-I never thought I'd see the day when I graduated from college, but it's almost here! Boo-ya! I'm grateful that I've had the opporunity to come to school and learn and grow. School really does suck a lot of the time and I complain A LOT about it, but I really am grateful I can learn!

Those are all the mushy serious ones, now onto the less-serious but GREAT things that have added to the joy in my life lately...

6-my crazy new girlfriends
8-my own room
10-laughing HARD
11-a good book
13-anyone tripping, sliding, or just wiping out...especially if it's someone I know
14-fall leaves
16-funny people
17-comfy shoes
19-Twizzlers (strawberry)
21-people who text witty things
23-catching up with old buddies
25-good pictures!

SO there you go. I'm one blessed girl. Thanks to everyone who's made my life rockin' lately-I love you all!

OH and PS-I found my flashdrive in my car later...YES! :)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What Not To Do...

So I always say this, but my whole life I have always been the person who learns through other people's mistakes. I really tell my mom all the time that I feel like people around me are always making stupid mistakes (little and big) and I say "Okay Stephanie...remember what happened when so-and-so did NOT make that mistake!" And for the most part, I've been able to live my life without any dramatic errors. (Obviously we all make mistakes, but I'm not pregnant or anything.)

For example. Almost everyone close to me has had a speeding ticket or an accident. I remember when I was 16 my friend had to do Traffic School for a speeding ticket. I jotted that down in my mind, "Stephanie...don't get a speeding ticket. That will suck." Then when I was younger a friend close to me stole something from the grocery store. $400 bucks down the drain for them. "Okay Steph...don't steal. It will suck." When I saw how bad my friend got hurt when crashing on a longboard, I decided to slow down. When I saw someone part their hair in the middle, I learned not to.

The list goes on.

Now don't get me wrong...I've had my fair share of mistakes. I am known for being super awkward sometimes, making inappropriate comments at bad times...the whole she-bang.

BUT fortunately, like I said, all of these "mistakes" have never been anything too dramatic.

Until Friday.

From this post I hope everyone will learn from MY mistakes. What NOT to do if a boy tries to kiss you...

1-Do not act like you're going to kiss him then suddenly decide not to.
So there we were. We'll call him "Bill"...looking over Cedar. It was a beautiful night. Bill goes to kiss me, and I completely turn away. First mistake-misleading. This will lead to upsetting the boy and lots of awkwardness.

2-Do not start to cry.
No matter what time of the month it is, how bad your hayfever may be, or just how sincerely emotional you are, do not start to cry. This is the truly worst thing you can do. The boy will feel weird and uncomfortable and have NO idea what you're crying about, or what he should say.

3-Do not hit the boy after rejecting him and then crying.
This just makes things weird. No matter what you're thinking or feeling, play it cool. If you don't have "game", pretend that you do. This will avoid even more awkwardness.

So there you go-my 1-2-3 list on what not to do. I hope everyone reading this has learned something from my experience with Bill.

Someday I'll get game...

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Friends, The Gym, and SUU

So I can’t believe how quickly it has snuck up but school is back in session. I have been insanely busy lately but it’s good because it has provided me with some new material to write about. :) Before I get into making fun of stuff I think is weird, I decided I’d quickly write about what I’ve been up to. I’m taking 18 credits this semester and I’m starting to think I’ve bitten off more than I can chew. Oh well, busy is good for me! Also, I’ve made some new AWESOME sweet girlfriends. I thought I’d take a bit of time to introduce them…I’ve creepily stalked their facebooks for good pictures to add to my blog…wahaha..(evil laugh)

Kathleen Higginson:


This girl is gorgeous, hillarious, and super stylin. She’s my new roomie who moved into my old room( I changed to another room, same house). We have hung out a lot and we’re already besties. She’s a big time creeper like me and has a cutie boyfriend named Allan. (It doesn’t stop the boys in Cedar from swarming her 24/7 though!) She’s an awesome friend and is greatttt to talk to!

Next we have Heather Allen:

Once again, gorgeous. This girl is spunky, hillarious, and completely awkward like me. She’s a great friend already and we’ve had a lot of fun together. She’s a professional hair lady and gave me a beautiful golden weave the other night. We also went on a group date with some hottays the other night and totally bonded. We also decided we’re going to Thailand soon so I’m pretty excited about that. Gotta love Heather!

Last and definitely not least we have Laura Thorley:


I absolutely love this woman. She is gorgeous, hillarious, and a major smarty. She’s a huge nerdo like me and likes to read books all the time. Probably 50% of our conversations have been about books we have read, are currently reading, or want to read! We are planning on starting an SUU book club (half joking, half serious) and we’re super stoked about it!

So these are my new favorite people in a nutshell! I absolutely love all of these ladies. Now moving on…

School has STARTED.

I can’t believe it.

Since I’m not playing basketball this year I decided it would be good for me to get a gym pass. SO I’ve gone to the gym a few times since school has started and I can’t HANDLE IT THERE. I’m trying to figure out when the fewest amount of people are there so I can go when it’s nearly empty so I don’t go crazy. Don’t get me wrong, I love the gym. I love working out, I love that feeling you get after you’ve worked up a good sweat and know you put in a good effort that day!

What I can’t stand are the girls, (and boys) who go there to meet each other.

Seriously, there are so many girls who get all prettied up, go walk on the treadmill for 5 minutes, then spend the rest of the time walking around talking to boys. I’m not sure why, but this AGGRAVATES ME! I just feel like going bazerko on them.

Then there are the guys.

There are two types of guys at this gym: guys that only go there to look at girls, or guys that only go there to look at themselves.

I have yet to find a happy medium here. They either stare at girls creepily until you feel uncomfortable and want to leave, or they stare at themselves in the mirror. I mean they LITERALLY just sit there and look at themselves. It’s so weird.

ANYWAYS-I am having lots of new experiences this year. Not being on the athlete side of things definitely changes a lot. I’m still so happy here at SUU and loving my life. I’m lucky to have great friends around me and I’m just HAPPY!

Oh, P.S-I got a calling…FHE Group Leader…very…um….HAPPY?…about that..ugh.