Saturday, July 10, 2010

Pepper Spray and Renaissance Fairs

(This is an example of what kind of people were at the Renaissance Fair)

So I want to start out by apologizing for how lame my blog is. If I was anyone else in the world, I wouldn't read it. It's not very exciting-there are no pictures to look at or links to click on. I don't have cool little recipe ideas or awesome tips on how to decorate your house or yard. I don't have a boyfriend, a husband, kids, or a dog that I can take cute pictures of and show how interesting I am. I just have my thoughts and funny random crap that pops into my head while I sit at a desk at work all day.

So here is one of the funny random things I would like to write about today: Pepper Spray. It is CRAZY. If I was in charge of the world, I would say every citizen needs a permit to carry Pepper Spray. Seriously, this stuff is DANGEROUS.

Since I started working at the hotel and running all the time, I decided it would be a good idea for me to start carrying it around. I just feel safer and a little bit cooler with it. So I went to ACE Hardware the other day and bought myself a cute little pink Pepper-Sprayer, complete with a keychain! I tried putting it on my keys, but it reminded me of the girl with the bulky keychain in Hot Chicks. So I just keep it in the "feminine" pocket in my purse now.

So my friend Trevor came to hang out with me at work last night. We started talking about Pepper Spray and how strong it really is and stuff. I told him about how I have been begging my friend Kev to let me test it out on him. (Just to make sure it really works, of course!) Kev keeps denying my request and I've been pretty mad about it. So being the BIG IDIOT I am, I let Trevor talk me into spraying just one TINY spray at work. I honestly didn't realize how bad it would be! Immediately after spraying it, even though it was a tiny bit and super far from where we were sitting, we started coughing and crying! It was so funny because I started panicking way bad and ran into the front room at work. Trevor is a big strong guy and even he started crying a little bit! After a minute we just started laughing at how stupid we are. Advice for anyone carrying pepper spray: DON'T SPRAY IT UNLESS IT IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY!!!
Wow I can't believe some of the things I do sometimes.

So next random weird thing that happened to me. Today I went to the Car Show and Renaissance (sp?) Fair in Cedar City. The hotel I work at had all these freaky Renaissance people dressed up in tights and long dresses and wings and all these weird midevil costumes staying here all week so I decided I had to get to this Renaissance Fair and see what was going on. It's a HUGE deal in Cedar, the whole main street is closed off and the park is full of vendors and crazy people with whips and tights walking around selling and bargaining with each other. This lady had a plastic flower cup in her cleavage for jewelry. Like I said, freaky. So we went to check it out and we felt SO out of place. Everyone was dressed up, cracking whips, pulling handcarts, and talking freakishly to each other. It was definitely an interesting experience and I'm SO HAPPY I went. Oh and I bought some SWEET jewelry for cheap so I was happy! :)

That's all, I just love summer. :)


  1. I know I didn't know you very well in High School but I love blog reading and yours is truely great! Dont give up

  2. hey steph! your funny :) Great Blog!
